<aside> 💡 · This database is the heart of the template: the home for all your classes – which you’ll need to add to the Assignments & Deliverables tracker, Notebook, Readings tracker, and more. Ensure you fill in as many properties as you can to make the most of the template! · When adding a new class in the database below, open the blank class page, and select New Class to use the classes page template to track your files, relevant notes, and assignments per class (example in ENG 101 class below).


· Important: Update the filters in the below views to see your current semesters and/or school year! To do this, hover over the top of the database and select Filter → from there, select the desired Semester(s) to display. · Once you're done a semester or school year, change the filter to the current semester again. This way, you can keep all your completed classes archived to refer back to, but hide them so they don't clutter up your current semester. · Fill in the Days of the week and Times properties below to add to your weekly timetable (available in the view tab below, as well as on the dashboard homepage). For Times database, hit Shift + Enter keys to add a new day to a new line.

Grade Calculator · Grades pull in automatically from the database – so ensure to enter all your current and past grades in there for accurate calculations. · You may need to adjust the Letter Grade formula depending on your local grading system. If you don’t care to see the letter grade, you can hide this column. · Do not delete any hidden grade properties as they do important work in the backend!

If you’re new to Notion or even Notion databases, be sure to check out https://radreads.co/notion-tutorial/ – especially the Relation section. Once you're good to go, feel free to move or delete this tool tips block! If you need more help, contact us at [email protected]



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